Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Working girl

It's day 2 of my job here at STA Travel Queen St. and I'm settling in nicely. The other girls in the office are all really nice - they consist of a Kiwi, an Italian, and an Argentinian, so I'll get to keep up my Spanish! Travel planning is a whole different story when you're starting from the bottom of the world. It's so expensive to get anywhere, mainly because they're are so few routing options. The biggest thing that people are booking are round-the-world fares. It's going to take a lot of practice to learn all the best combinations, but I likes me a good challenge! I found out today that I'll be getting a trip to Melbourne in February for STA South Pacific region's annual awards ceremony, so that'll be fun! My counterpart Kelly has already earned herself a fam trip (paid vacation) for 1 week of travel throughout the north island of NZ, so hopefully I'll be able finagle one of my own in the near future. (I'm keeping my fingers crossed for one to Fiji :) Still plugging away at the apartment search, but it looks like I'll be staying at this hostel for the forseeable future. It's not bad, but I'm sick of watching everyone else plan their fun trips and not getting to do any of my own!


Dayna said...

Laura, any good travel suggestions for my Mom and I in February next year?

Bryan Mahoney said...

Good to hear that the job is going well! Woo hoo! Time to get freaky in Fiji!!! Bills are undefeated too!
Hey - Marcy got the job, but they have to get final approvals in the next 2 weeks before she starts for real.